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What I've learned after 1 year since adopting the FI mindset. Would love to hear additional tips from the community

It has been 1 year now since fully adopting the FI mindset. I've always been somewhat frugal, but this year I took my expenses very seriously, often deciding to forgo altogether. I did all I could to cut large expenses and tried to convince my GF to see the value in cutting some of her large expenses. The result: ~65% savings rate... meaning we could potentially retire in ~10 years.
My situation:
What I've learned (in no particular order):
1.) Size of house/apartment matters a lot! I feel fortunate to have realized this early in life. Smaller spaces come with many benefits. They are cheaper. They cost less to maintain and heat. There is less space for "stuff", which increases your rationalizing ability when contemplating an unnecessary purchases. We rent an 800 sqft apartment at $1000 a month ($500 each), saving ~$700 per month compared to peers in the area. And when we were looking at houses to buy, it's amazing what great deals exist if you are willing to buy in the 500 - 750sqft range. We see houses in good areas at $85k, with PITI costs of $500 a month. The way I see it, you can buy a shed for $3k, and throw your extra crap in there. My parents in NJ pay $900 a month in property tax and insurance alone (and that's excluding maintenance on a 1800sqft house). Completely unnecessary.
2.) Sharing a car isn't bad! Made the decision to get rid of one car this year, saving me $720 a year in car insurance. Throughout the whole year, only about 2 or 3 times where I really wanted a car. As it turns out, most places I go, I go with my GF. And when I want to go out the the casino (I am a poker player), she's already home from work, no longer needing the car. Uber ride 3 times a year if needed is much cheaper.
3.) Cooking your own food! I know everyone says you gotta stop eating out, but this is so true. I started making meal preps on Sundays. One of my favorites being broccoli, quinoa, and chicken (make 10 of them - provides lunch for both of us during the work week), and this is what really helped me stop eating out. Having one meal planned in advance makes figuring out the dinner meal not so daunting.
4.) Camp on your vacations! First time camping this year, and it was a blast. I found that sleeping underneath the stars for $20 a night is a great way to avoid the disappointment of a $100 hotel that you only use for 8 hours of sleep. We bought a $30 queen air mattress to make this sufficiently comfortable.
5.) Limit yourself to 1 or 2 drinks at a bar! Social obligations may require you to go out sometimes, but you don't need to rack up a $50 tab and hangover to have fun.
6.) Schedule your week in advance! I get ready for work / work from 7AM - 6PM most days. I started scheduling 6-7, 7-8, 8-9, and 9-10PM with activities, and I find myself more productive and less prone to boredom. I often spend unnecessary money when I'm bored, so this has helped me out tremendously. It also has helped me achieve things I've been meaning to do for years. When you block off an hour to work on business, read a book, or sign up for weekend volunteering (or whatever you do), it's amazing how much quicker things get done.
7.) Embrace your inexpensive hobbies! On the hippy side of the spectrum, I've done much more hiking, exercising, growing plants, borrowing library books, and cooking. I've also been recording more music, working with wood, attending free local events / meetups, and volunteering in house construction. Compared to last year, I would've done much more expensive things like jet-ski rentals, ATV riding, local dinner cruises, and traveling across the ocean just to partake in some poorly researched agenda involving tourist traps and expensive food.
8.) Track your expenses! You may think you spend $X in $Y category, but you don't know until you see it for yourself. After a year, you'll start seeing how one-time expenses affect what you thought you spend (most of us underestimate our expenses). I do an expense reconciliation once a month. For fun, I also calculate how much progress I made towards retirement (usually 0.5% - 1%) per month.
I know this post may come off as overly frugal, but I did experience luxury in many other ways. Here are some of the things I've accumulated: $800 king sized mattress, $300 worth of music recording equipment, $900 of domestic flights, $900 laptop, $500 squat rack with weights and bench, $500 worth of clothes, $800 of dining out (looking to cut this next year), and there is a lot more when you consider $10 - $100 purchases not worth mentioning.
My main takeaway from the year is that resisting temptation to spend has provided me with great sense of freedom and hope for my future. Many services and items that I used to purchase had a low (value added) / ($ spent ratio). I felt disappointed with almost every purchase I made, always thinking "yeah, it's ok, but not worth the money".
This year, my investment account provided me with $5k in returns, and I've only been contributing to it for 2 years now. Can feel the snowball starting to grow and it's exciting! Granted, student loans are still a large burden on life, but they're gonna be gone in two years.
I would love to hear any other tips the community has for making progress in FIRE, without disproportionately sacrificing quality of life.
submitted by Usermussel1145 to financialindependence [link] [comments]

Flying into NJ on Saturday for the show and looking for shit to do!

I’m heading to Tom’s River, New Jersey for the Streetlight Manifesto show on Saturday night with my best friend! We’re getting into Newark at 6ish a.m. on Saturday morning. Any suggestions on what we can do along our route from Newark to Tom’s River or near Tom’s River once we get there? (We’re both from Southern California so we’re pretty spoiled with casinos and that kind of stuff. I’d love to see some real touristy shit. Lmao.) We’ll want to stay pretty local to this route as we’ll probably want to get to the show around 5 and can check into our hotel in Tom’s River at 3 (hopefully sooner though). We’ll have a rental car and are flying out of Newark on Sunday evening. Neither of us have ever been to NJ. I was just in NYC in January. Suggestions are really appreciated please!!!
submitted by streetlightgirl to streetlightmanifesto [link] [comments]

WWE Network Updates: 11/06/2017

The following shows have been added to the WWE Network today:

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Bit of a war zone this week

just to preface this , this post isn't all about not having sex but more the apparent craziness or stress in the house that is causing that reaction .

So for the past month or so its pretty pretty dry in our bedroom. i think we're at once this month . we went on vacation as a family for a week down to the beach in NJ ( intentionally keeping the location vague) so no sex or anything for my birthday ( the day we left) but plenty of attitude on the drive down ( we rented a car , got upgraded to a luxury SUV , she wouldn't let me drive but wanted me to navigate a route with no tolls , i got yelled at cause she missed a turn ) . Vacation seemed to go ok no major fights or anything but i wasn't really trying to get close , as the kids were in the room with us . we did have a little fun one night, we had a couple adult beverages , and she was horny , i fingered her till she came , then a kid woke up ,and that got shut down . she made a few jokes about my apparent blue balls

a week later i planned a little date night , had sitters worked out for the kids , went to a new casino that opened . was like pulling teeth to get her out of the house . finally get on the road , get there , and had a decent time and i won a bit.
on the way home we stop for a quick bite to eat . and there it ends the " headache" shows up and she takes the only meds she has on her, Advil PM , which generally will have her sleeping in 90 mins or less . so after our hour drive home , we get home , get in bed , and she knows im pretty much expecting it.. we do actually have sex , but she passes out literally 30 seconds later , wasnt anything special , felt like she was just trying to get me away as fast as she could

anyway ,to the point of this post. kids are heading back to school this week. and the nastiness has been cranked up to 11. night before school , everyone is in an uproar , one kid being a pain doesn't want to get supplies prepped , in the mean time my GF and the kids aparently cannot say what they'd like for dinner ( this has been an increasing issue for a few weeks now) so i get " why do i have to make the choices , just fucking make something" but when i decide what to make " you have "single child syndrome", you dont care what anyone else wants" . so i just say fuck it what one kid wants , enough for everyone ,and my GF decides she doens't like it , and wont eat. fine , i cant please everyone.

on to yesterday , I'm at work , we are texting about cheer practice .. i have an email says practice is on . she texts me back
"learn to read " then with a screenshot of a text saying its cancelled that i was not part of . we get home.. same dinner argument again.. like WTF i think its pretty normal to ask those in your family would they like this or that or whatever for dinner i make what one kid asks for , she doesn't like that , so again she wont eat. We get through dinner , school forms and all that finally sit down ,she bitches about her job , i gave her a little advice to start looking for something new. i told her i did it twice in the past couple years , and she's seen that i've almost doubled my income . Her response was " so what your nothing special , just an ( my field of work) , a dime a dozen" im just like "ok .thanks baby you've always got my back " even though i make roughly 2.5x what she makes , and pay the majority of the household bills

so yea i just dont get it.. whats up with the random insults , talking down to me ,and no intimacy to speak of , nevermind the fact that she has brought up the idea of me buying a new car ( that we cant afford , or get credit for) to replace mine . the kicker is ,she has a car , fully paid off but doesnt like anymore , so she drives my suv every day while i take the train to work . so i told her " let me get this straight , you want to trade in my car that i still owe on, buy a new 50K SUV and if we somehow got approved i couldnt afford the payments, so you can drive it to work every day ( and if i want to drive it on the weekends , another fight will happen - see the rental car experience above)

so yea... been a pretty rough month and i have no idea where this stuff is coming from ?

submitted by Venge97RI to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]

Marco Rubio Is A British Spy!

To criticize Marco Rubio from the fascist standpoint, it is necessary to refer to the theories of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., a brilliant political thinker and perennial candidate whose contributions to political science have been sadly overlooked by the political orthodoxy. It was the opinion of LaRouche that the United States of America is controlled by a cabal of Jewish Freemasons working in tandem with Queen Elizabeth to undermine the republic.
According to LaRouche,
Literally thousands of operatives for the Zionist lobby have penetrated the halls of Congress, the State and Defense Departments, the CIA, and American business and labor organizations to gather information which is then transmitted up the chain of command to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and the Maltese Order. These agents gather information and intelligence on U.S. national security policy, corporate policy, and financial policy for transmission to the enemy. Their loyalties lie not with the United States but with the Zionist-British organism. The Zionist octopus must be eliminated.1
The majority of these Jewish Freemasons are Zionists, that is, they have either been brainwashed or indoctrinated with the idea that God has ordained the state of Israel to belong exclusively to the Jews, even though their scripture expressly contradicts this. In fact, the Zionist fallacy has been most effectively refuted by Neturei Karta, a group of ultra-orthodox Jews whose literal interpretation of the Talmud precludes the legitimacy of a political Israel.
Rubio is, indeed, controlled by Jewish Freemasons who have sworn a blood bond with the Baron de Rothschild and the Knights of Malta. The Knights of Malta are the earthly representatives of seven demons known as the archons. But I digress.
LaRouche’s thesis, which was contemptuously derided as paranoid fiction by the insufferable Marxists who dominate the academic milieu, is now being vindicated by the discovery of a dossier containing previously classified documentation on Sen.Rubio’s participation in a secret government program conducted by MI5, the intelligence arm of the British government. These documents were obtained by the journalist Glenn Greenwald, who is said to have received them via e-mail from the notorious hackers’ collective known only as Anonymous.
If you are easily disturbed, I urge you to read no further. The information in the dossier reveals the tactics and methods used by British agents to not only coerce Rubio, but actively brainwash him so that he would become a de facto double agent in the services of the British government, whose objective was in the fomentation of subversion in this nation.
On a balmy night in 1982, Rubio was schmoozing at a Miami party when he was approached by a strange personage known only as The Mystery Man, who asked to speak with him in private. Rubio acquiesced.
Once Rubio had been isolated from the other guests, The Mystery Man informed him that the he had been handpicked by the Queen of England as the sole candidate for a secret experiment conducted by the British Psychological Warfare Division under the auspices of MI5.
Rubio was informed that should he agree to participate in the program, he would be compensated to the tune of one million dollars, paid in a lump sum and deposited in an escrow account.
He was handed a contract. Rubio, who had been mesmerized by money ever since his adolescence, when he was first bewitched by the bodacious butts and boobs of the babes of Miami Beach, skimmed the fine print and signed on the dotted line.
The next day, he was apprehended by several men in suits who were working on behalf of the Baron de Rothschild, then sequestered in a black limousine, whisked to the airport, and escorted on a plane bound for Heathrow Airport.
Upon his arrival in the terminal, Rubio was met by a cadre of police officers, who informed him that he was under arrest. He was unceremoniously shoved into an unmarked Volkswagen Beetle, blindfolded, and driven to an undisclosed location.
He was first injected with sodium thiopental, and then placed in solitary confinement for seven days, where he was tortured and forced to watch a series of disturbing videos, including snuff films, actual depictions of rape, and pickle surprise, all while being forced to listen to Enya’s “Only Time” on endless repeat. These tactics were borrowed from the LaRouche movement, who had previously referred to them as “ego-stripping” and “psywar techniques.”
Once he had been fully conditioned, Rubio’s brain was then connected to a strange contraption referred to as the Influencing Machine.
The Influencing Machine was originally commissioned by the Anglo-Dutch banking cartels and designed for use by the Dutch intelligence agency AIVD, for this reason, its measurements were made according to the metric system, and the notation of its blueprints are written according to metric standards.
The purposes of the Influencing Machine was to determine whether a machine could be designed which could control someone’s mind from a remote distance. This was particularly useful to both MI5 and the AIVD, whose control of the world economy was contingent on the world’s population continuing to be enslaved to the dogma of political economy.
Rubio’s brain was zapped with lasers and a series of tests were conducted to ensure that his will had been completely subordinated to the Machine; in other words, after his brain was zapped, his thoughts and actions were now in the control of the machine’s operators. A tiny camera was installed in his forehead so that his operators would be able to monitor his field of vision. He was then disconnected from the Machine, and a second series of tests were performed to ensure that his movements could be controlled by a propriety wireless software based on technologies invented by Thomas Dolby.
Once it had been established that Rubio’s mind was fully controlled by the Influencing Machine, he was transferred to the Department of Pneumatic Chemistry, which is itself a subsidiary of MI5. The Department of Pneumatic Chemistry was at that time staffed with a rogue group of meteorological revisionists known colloquially as “The Air Loom Gang.”
The Air Loom Gang was, and continues to be comprised of several famous celebrities, including Kenny G, Yanni, and John Tesh. Other members of the Air Loom Gang include faceless characters known only by pseudonyms such as “the Middleman,” “Glove Woman,” and “Sir Archy,” all of whom conduct their business under the supervision of the evil astrologer Dane Rudhyar, whose method of calculating the transits of Transpluto have earned him wide acclaim amongst Scientologists.
Now that he was fully under the control of the Influencing Machine and the Air Loom Gang, it was decided that Rubio should be dispatched back to the United States to recommence his political career. He was able to immediately assimilate back into the political scene; this time, however, he was a replicant whose every move was being remotely manipulated by the Air Loom Gang.
Fast forward to today.
The machinations of the Air Loom Gang have been so successful that Rubio’s popularity is skyrocketing. As a result, the Queen of England sends a memo to Reince Priebus, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee. The memo commands Priebus to ensure Rubio qualifies as a candidate for the Republican primaries. Priebus, who strongly prefers George Pataki, at first balks at the Queen’s command.
Priebus, who was then on a business trip in L.A., arrived at his satellite office only to find it abandoned, with a note on the door. An address was listed on the note. Priebus was instructed to drive to this address immediately or risk immediate termination. Accordingly, Priebus jumped into his rental car and began driving eastward, up into the California mountains. He drove for hours, and as the night wore on, began to become anxious. Why had the office been abandoned? Who had placed the note on the door? What if he was being duped? He decided to continue on the journey.
Once he arrived at his destination, he turned off the ignition, disembarked from the automobile, and was accosted by an enigmatic figure known only as The Cowboy, who communicated a series of instructions.
Priebus was instructed not only to file a formal declaration on behalf of Rubio to the Federal Election Commission, he was also commanded to do everything in his power to ensure that Rubio wins the nomination. Priebus was warned that he or his relatives would be kidnapped and murdered if he failed to comply with these requests. The Cowboy then reiterated the demands of the Queen, and instructed Priebus to catch the next flight to Miami. The Cowboy then departed.
Priebus capitulated to these demands, and flew back to Miami immediately to meet with Rubio.
Phase I of the total subversion of the American nation by the British Crown was complete.
Priebus filed the necessary paperwork the next day. The minute that he filed it, he sent a text message to Frank Luntz, his business associate. Unbeknownst to Priebus, Luntz was in Vegas at the behest of several Jewish Freemasons, who had convened there for a convention on deism. Luntz informed his superiors of the events which had transpired, and the Jewish Freemasons immediately sprang into action. Luntz was tasked with conducting focus groups which would provide the information necessary for the Air Loom Gang. You see, the Air Loom Gang needed to know which demographics to target. Once they had this information, they could manipulate Rubio’s thoughts and movements so that he would appeal to those demographics.
Accordingly, Luntz dutifully obeyed his bosses, organizing several focus groups over a period of days.
Luntz’s conclusions were indisputable: the focus groups indicated that Latinas would be the most important demographic in the 2016 presidential election. Luntz transmitted this information to the Department of Pneumatic Chemistry, which immediately began to orchestrate Rubio’s actions so that he appeals to the greatest number of Latinas, who the RNC (i.e. Jewish Freemasonry) has determined to be essential for winning the 2016 presidential election.
All of Rubio’s actions are carefully choreographed by the Air Loom Gang to captivate the hearts of Latinas. If his shit-eating grin extends too widely, his facial muscles are manipulated by “Glove Woman” using a process known as “Lobster-cracking.”
If the cadence of his vacuous platitudes and monotonous utterances becomes too predictable, then his Broca’s area is remotely massaged by “the Middleman” using a process known as “Apoplexy-working-with-the-nutmeg-grater.”
Rubio is an automaton whose speeches consist of telepathic messages transmitted to him by Gary Spivey. Jorge Ramos was also brought on as a consultant to the Air Loom Gang. His thoughts are manufactured and his movements are choreographed by his controllers, who take particular pleasure in their vicarious romps with his wife, Jeannette (who is a spy for the AIVD.)
After his candidacy was made official, Rubio’s campaign coffers were immediately flooded with cash from a fringe coalition of industrialists, Chinese crime bosses, used-car salesmen, vegetarians, Sandinistas, neo-Nazis, casino-capitalists, monarchists, democratic socialists, Virgos, vulture-fund CEOs, leprechauns, dialectic materialists, and Cuban frogmen, all working under the directives of Buckingham Palace.
Let’s not forget also that the Miami Dolphins are colluding with Big Cocaine to orchestrate rallies for Marco Rubio. In fact Don Shula was summoned to Buckingham Palace last week in order to inform the Air Loom Gang how to improve Rubio’s appeal to football fans. His answer was to emphasize Rubio’s connections to various drug cartels in the Miami area.
These events were the beginnings of Phase II of the campaign by the British Crown to undermine this nation by placing one of its moles in the Office of the Presidency. But in order for this to be accomplished the Queen of England and the Jewish Freemasons first have to make sure that the election is rigged.
So Phase II has only been partially completed. The objectives of Phase II are to rig all voting machines so that the election is predetermined.
Consequently, the Jewish Freemasons have instructed their minions who work at Diebold (now Election Systems Software) to install malicious software in the DRE’s and VVPAT’s that will ensure that all votes for George Pataki are actually allocated to Rubio. This is significant because a lot of Republicans are voting for Pataki, even though the polls, which have also been rigged by Frank Luntz (a Pisces working for the interests of Jewish Freemasony), say that Pataki has only 0.0% of votes.
At this very moment, a plethora of situationist organizations are also being convoked to create propaganda favorable to Marco Rubio. These organizations are spearheaded by Captain Midnight and Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command.
All television airwaves have been hacked by the situationists, and all newspaper staffs have been replaced with situationists. In fact, all of the mainstream media has been infiltrated by the situationists, who are tasked with creating disinformation and propaganda intended to bamboozle Americans into having a favorable opinion of Sen. Rubio.
The Air Loom Gang, meanwhile, continues to pull the strings on Rubio. A crucial mistake was made during the third Republican debate, when “Glove Woman” accidentally pulled a lever instead of pressing a button, causing Rubio to say “president” instead of "parent", when he was trying to politicize a fake tax credit. This was nearly a fatal glitch, but due to the comprehensive efforts of the situationists to bury the story, and due to the public being distracted by sports and entertainment, the gaffe went unnoticed.
Let’s also remember that the American media is also owned by the same Jewish Freemasons who are rigging the election. It’s all disinformation and propaganda intended to bamboozle Americans into having a favorable opinion of Rubio. But as mentioned, these Jewish Freemasons work in concert with the Queen of England and the Anglo-Dutch criminals of the IMF to ensure that the Air Loom Gang follows their dictates to the smallest detail.
There is a silver lining, however. Not all states have adopted DREs and VVPATs. In fact, the majority of states still use paper ballots. So as long as the information contained in this screed is disseminated throughout the United States as quickly as possible, it is still possible to defeat Rubio and the Jewish Freemasons who are both working for the Queen of England.
The British are a crafty folk, always plotting and scheming. Worse, they harbor resentment against this nation ever since they were defeated in the Revolutionary War of 1776. The British want to exact revenge against the great people of this nation simply because they can’t handle defeat. The British are intrinsically evil; an uncontrollable rage, a sadistic craving for violence simmers underneath the mannerly equanimity and conscientious presumptuousness so characteristic of those islanders.
The British must be defeated. Marco Rubio must be exposed. He must be exposed for what he is, a British spy, a foreign agent who has infiltrated American politics. He is a foreign agent who must be defeated. It is our duty as Americans to defeat Marco Rubio. It is our solemn duty. There is no excuse. Rubio must be defeated.
The most important thing to emphasize is this. Wherever you go, whether it’s to the roller rink, the laundromat, or the five-and-dime, the most important thing is to speak the following statement to everyone you encounter:
If they ask why, tell them it's because he wants to stop the party.
It is our duty to save this country. If this information is circulated quickly enough, the Jewish Freemasons will not be able to get away with their crimes. Please pass this along to everyone you know.
  1. LaRouche, Lyndon H. "Register the Zionist Lobby As Foreign Agents!" New Solidarity. (September 5, 1978): n. page. Print.
submitted by Cobra_Real to sorceryofthespectacle [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Jan 4th - Tue, Jan 10th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Jan 4th

  • After School Special (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 3:30pm After School Special combines books, a film, and an awesome craft for an afternoon of fun. This weekly program is for children in Kindergarten, First, and Second grades. For more information, contact the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • Annual Fall Show (The Studio Gallery) Thru Fri, Jan 6th Annual Fall Show, Nov 17-April 30, The Studio Gallery, 2646 W Britton. There will be an opening reception at 5 p.m. Nov. 17, 752-2642
  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Baby Story Time (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Calling all babies, toddlers and the ones who love them! It's time for Baby Story Time! Each week, we'll explore the world through books, songs, fingerplays and rhymes designed for the smallest library fans! This story time is great for ages birth to 24 months. For more information, please call the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • 🎨 Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 (Oklahoma History Center) Thru Sat, Jan 7th Start Time: 10:00am Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 is a snapshot of images by Lewis Hine whose photography captured the soul of the child laborer in north America in the early 1900s. Although Hine focused on major cities, he did take brief trips to other parts of the country to document child labor, including Oklahoma. Hine…
  • Del City Kiwanis Club (Rose State College - Midwest City)
  • 🏃 Family Yoga Night (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 6:30pm Cooperative event with Shannon Scott. Please join the Noble Public Library and Shannon Scott for Family Yoga Night, every Wednesday. For more information please contact Shannon Scott -- [email protected] (405) 517-9605
  • Getting Started with Computers, Day 3 (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 1:00pm Come to the Library and get started learning computers! This is the third day of a five-day series. On Day 3, we'll be using the Internet for the very first time! While this is a five-day series, participants are welcome to attend only for the events in the series where they feel comfortable. We'd love to see you each of the five days, but - for…
  • 😂 Jersey (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Jan 7th Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 10:30 PM Arrival Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 9:45 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @…
  • Lapsit Story Time (Moore Public Library - Moore) Start Time: 10:00am Each week, caregivers and their children sit together to enjoy developmentally appropriate stories, songs, fingerplays and bubbles. For babies 24 months and younger accompanied by an adult. For more information, call the Moore Public Library at 405-793-4347. For updates on special events and more, be sure to check the website, like us on…
  • Mother's Day at Devon Ice Rink (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Thru Fri, Jan 6th Start Time: 3:00pm
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 8th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…
  • Reading Wednesdays (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 10:00am
  • Viva GLART! Grow a Learner through Art (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 10:30am Bilingual early literacy practice through art play. For babies and children through age 5 and their caregivers.
  • 🍴 Way Back Wednesday - $1 Beer (Remington Park)

Thursday, Jan 5th

  • Annual Fall Show (The Studio Gallery) 1 day left Annual Fall Show, Nov 17-April 30, The Studio Gallery, 2646 W Britton. There will be an opening reception at 5 p.m. Nov. 17, 752-2642
  • 🎨 Art After 5 (Oklahoma City Museum of Art) Start Time: 5:00pm Enjoy a late-night art gallery experience at OKCMOA every Thursday for only $5 after 5 pm! OKCMOA is open until 9 pm every Thursday evening, giving visitors an opportunity to view the galleries and the Museum Store for $5 after 5 pm. Galleries open 5-9 pm $5 admission (no other discounts apply) Films shown every Thursday night Yoga Class every…
  • 🎨 ASK (After School Kids)-Scratch Art (Blanchard Library - Blanchard) Start Time: 3:45pm ASK (After School Kids) program for grades Pre-K through 2nd grade. January is Scratch Art. The children will have the opportunity to create their own unique works of art. A book on the theme will be read to the children. Registration Required. All supplies provided.
  • 🎨 Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 (Oklahoma History Center) Thru Sat, Jan 7th Start Time: 10:00am Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 is a snapshot of images by Lewis Hine whose photography captured the soul of the child laborer in north America in the early 1900s. Although Hine focused on major cities, he did take brief trips to other parts of the country to document child labor, including Oklahoma. Hine…
  • 🍴 Drink and Draw (Okay See) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly schedule:
    1st Thursday: The Okay See
    2nd Thursday: Brass Bell Studios
    3rd - 4th - 5th Thursdays: Tree & Leaf
    Drink & Draw is open to anyone that wants to attend. While consuming alcohol is welcome, it…
  • 🎓 Enjoy Your New e-reader (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 1:00pm Did you receive a new device during the holidays? The library has a new mobile app to download and thousands of digital books available to read at no cost. Bring your device in and staff will help you download the mobile app and start reading e-books. Drop-in help will be available on Thursday afternoons in January from 1 pm - 3pm. Have your…
  • Family Night Skate (Skate Galaxy) Start Time: 6:00pm FAMILY NIGHT SKATE Thursdays 6pm-9pm & Sundays 6pm-8pm Admission is only $6 (includes skate rental) per person! Family Night $29 Package Special! Includes: Admission, Skate Rental, Pizza & Drinks For up to 5 Family members!
  • From The Archives, Joe Bryant & Goodfella (Norman) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Getting Started with Computers, Day 4 (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 1:00pm Come to the Library and get started learning computers! This is the fourth day of a five-day series. On Day 4, we'll be working on file management skills: how to create, organize, and move files and folders in Windows. While this is a five-day series, participants are welcome to attend only for the events in the series where they feel…
  • Harumph (JJ's Alley) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • 😂 Jersey (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Jan 7th Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 10:30 PM Arrival Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 9:45 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @…
  • Mother's Day at Devon Ice Rink (Myriad Botanical Gardens) 1 day left Start Time: 3:00pm
  • Music Connection (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Norman Central Music Connection is a music and story program for children ages 3 to 7 and their caregivers. It includes singing, playing instruments, listening, moving to music and more. The connection between music and literacy is well documented, and this fun class is ideal to help kids succeed in learning and in life. Regular attendance is…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 8th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood. Some people will have stress reactions that do not go away on their own, or may even get worse…
  • Red Earth MFA Visiting Writers' Reading (The Paramount OKC) Start Time: 7:00pm The Red Earth MFA once again invites the community to join us as we welcome two visiting writers to read from their work at the Paramount in OKC. Books will be available for sale after the reading and the writers will be available to sign their work.
  • 🎓 Science Cafe (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Science cafes are a nation-wide grassroots movement that feature a casual meeting environment where plain language and inclusive conversation create a comfortable atmosphere for people with no science background to learn about ongoing scientific research. To learn more about this growing movement click here: The…
  • 🎓 STEAM Tweens (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 4:00pm STEAM Tweens connects kids with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Mathematics in the library! Each week, join us as we explore and create different things of the STEAM variety! This program is for ages 8-12 or children in third, fourth, fifth, or sixth grades. For more information, please call the Children's desk at 405-701-2630.
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers the opportunity to share, listen, teach and learn with others also overcoming the loss of a loved one. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at…
  • Tai Chi For Better Balance (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 4:00pm The movements of Tai Chi help all ages reduce stress, increase balance and flexibility. Participants learn relaxation to improve their overall mind, body and spirit through a series of slow continuous movements. This program is designed for people at all levels of mobility and can be performed standing or sitting. Please wear comfortable…
  • Toddler Explorers (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Toddler Explorers is an hour of fun activities for toddlers and the grown-ups who love them. This is a monthly come-and-go event and will take place on the first Thursday of the month for one hour. Previously known as Baby Time and Baby Crafts, this program is best for ages 12-36 months. For more information, contact the Children's department at…
  • Zumba (Moore Public Library - Moore) Start Time: 6:00pm Happy New Year! Wear a party hat or bring party favors. Let's celebrate! Latin and International music creates a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system! Participants must sign a waiver each class, and anyone under 18 must have parent/guardian consent and signature. This program is made possible through the Health Literacy Grant by…
  • Zumba: Happy New Year! (Moore Public Library) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us for Zumba, a combination of Latin and International music that creates a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system. January 5th will be our Happy New Year session, so be creative and wear a party hat or bring party favors! Zumba meets every Thursday evening at 6 pm, so be sure to join us every week. Participants must sign a waiver…

Friday, Jan 6th

  • Annual Fall Show (The Studio Gallery) Last Day Annual Fall Show, Nov 17-April 30, The Studio Gallery, 2646 W Britton. There will be an opening reception at 5 p.m. Nov. 17, 752-2642
  • 🎨 Bakersfield Mist (Carpenter Square Theatre) Start Time: 8:00pm Carpenter Square Heads to ‘Bakersfield’ in the New Year Carpenter Square Theatre begins the New Year with “Bakersfield .Mist,” an award-winning comedy-drama by Stephen Sachs that will play January 6-28, 2017. All performances are at the theater, located at 800 W. Main in downtown Oklahoma City. Specific performance dates and times over…
  • 🎨 Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 (Oklahoma History Center) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 is a snapshot of images by Lewis Hine whose photography captured the soul of the child laborer in north America in the early 1900s. Although Hine focused on major cities, he did take brief trips to other parts of the country to document child labor, including Oklahoma. Hine…
  • 🎨 Color Your Cares Away (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Coloring helps us de-stress because when we focus on a particular activity, we focus on it and not on our worries. Coloring generates wellness and quiet. It also stimulates areas of the brain related to motor skills, the senses, and creativity. While we are coloring, we will have a story to listen to as well! The library has many books on CD and…
  • The Crabb Family et al. (Heartland Harvest Church - Norman)
  • 🎨 First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District) Start Time: 6:00pm The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night…
  • 🎓 Getting Started with Computers, Day 5 (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 1:00pm Come to the Library and get started learning computers! This is the fifth day of a five-day series. On Day 5, we'll be getting more advanced in selecting text in documents and working with cut, copy, and paste functions. While this is a five-day series, participants are welcome to attend only for the events in the series where they feel…
  • Harumph (TapWerks) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • High Performance Expo (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Day 1 of 2 Get your motor running at the High Performance Expo at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds. Created with the engine…
  • Industrial Mixed Media Paintings by Tracy Lewis (Oklahoma City Museum of Art) Industrial Mixed Media Paintings by Tracy Lewis, through Jan. 31, the Purple Loft Art Gallery, 514 N Walker. There will be an opening reception at 6 p.m. Jan. 6, 412-7066.
  • 😂 Jersey (Loony Bin Comedy Club) 1 day left Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 10:30 PM Arrival Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 9:45 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @…
  • Kazha (Cox Convention Center) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 11:00am
  • Levi Parham (JJ's Alley) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Limp Wizurds Tour Kickoff (Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Minecraft: Survival! (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 5:00pm Minecraft? Yes! At the Library? Yes! With your friends in a giant (16-computer) LAN party? Yes! 1st and 3rd Fridays: Minecraft Survival at the Computer Training Center for anyone ages 6-12. Come try to survive! Registration is requested. Click the "Register" button and complete the form, register at the Computer Training Center, or call the…
  • Mother's Day at Devon Ice Rink (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Last Day Start Time: 3:00pm
  • $ Oklahoma Winter Bead & Jewelry Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sun, Jan 8th The Oklahoma Winter Bead & Jewelry Show is eagerly anticipated by thousands of local area bead enthusiasts as a…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 8th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…
  • Pre Bid Start Time: 10:00am Pre Bid Agency: Transportation, Oklahoma Department of - ODOT Contact Phone: Contact Email: [email protected] [email protected] Event Resources: Event Phone: Event Email: [email protected] [email protected] Close Details Window
  • 🎓 Rhythm Babies (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Rhythm Babies is a music-based story time perfect for your little ones and best suited for ages 0-24 months. Come sing, play instruments, move to music and listen to stories. The connection between music and literacy is well-documented and this fun class is ideal to help kids succeed in learning and in life. Regular attendance is encouraged. For…
  • Shortt Dogg (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00pm Fri, January 6th Doors 7pm - Show 8pm - $10 First come first serve seating Artist Website
  • 🎓 Teen Steam (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 4:00pm Art and technology projects for teens 12 to 17. Robotics and Steam kits will be featured. This month we will be learning about the sewing machine and making 2 projects. Materials will be provided.
  • 🎭 Violent Affair // From the Archives // Joe Bryant (Blue Note) Start Time: 9:00pm Ammonia Booking presents @ Blue Note! Violent Affair(Okc punk rock) From the Archives(NJ, i'm fine thanks records garage/punk/emo) Joe Bryant(St Louis, i'm fine thanks records - bed room pop/lo-fi/ acoustic) 21+ 9pm $5

Saturday, Jan 7th

  • Bank of America Weekends on Us (Western Heritage Museum) Start Time: 10:00am The Museum welcomes Bank of America customers taking advantage of Museums on Us the first full weekend of every month. Any ATM, credit, or check card from Bank of America provides free general admission for the cardholder. For details visit
  • Oklahoma City Blue vs. Greensboro Swarm (Cox Convention Center) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Central 4D Barrel Racers (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 1 of 2 Make your way to the Grady County Fairgrounds in Chickasha to see riders compete in the Central 4D Barrel Racers event.…
  • 🎨 Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 (Oklahoma History Center) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Child Labor in Oklahoma: Photographs by Lewis Hine, 1916–1917 is a snapshot of images by Lewis Hine whose photography captured the soul of the child laborer in north America in the early 1900s. Although Hine focused on major cities, he did take brief trips to other parts of the country to document child labor, including Oklahoma. Hine…
  • Classics 4 - David Lockington, Guest Conductor (Civic Center Music Hall) Copland - Buckaroo Holiday from "Rodeo" Saint-Saens - Violin Concerto No. 3 in B minor, Op. 61 Elgar - Enigma Variations, Op. 36
    Note: "Classics" and "Pops" series concerts are recommended for children ages 5 and up, with the exception of "The Christmas Show." Children under the age of 5 will be refused admission. Everyone entering the…
  • Dionne Warwick (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) Experience the bright, soulful sounds of five-time Grammy Award winner Dionne Warwick at Grand Casino Hotel & Resort…
  • The Drunkard and Olio (Norman)
  • FREE Learn To Skate Lesson (Skate Galaxy) Start Time: 12:00pm FREE Learn to Skate Lesson Every Saturday from 12:00pm-12:45pm! The lesson is free and no sign up required! Don't have a pair of skates? No problem! Rentals start at $2! ALL AGES WELCOMED! We have a large range in sizes from little trainer skates for the smaller family members and large sizes for the bigger ones :)
  • Harumph (Bedlam BBQ) Start Time: 7:00am
  • High Performance Expo (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Day 2 of 2 Get your motor running at the High Performance Expo at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds. Created with the engine…
  • 😂 Jersey (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Last Day Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 10:30 PM Arrival Time:Friday 1/6/2017 @ 9:45 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy Ticket 21 & over Show Time:Saturday 1/7/2017 @…
  • Kazha (Cox Convention Center) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 11:00am
  • Mothership (Blue Note)
  • $ Oklahoma Winter Bead & Jewelry Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) 1 day left The Oklahoma Winter Bead & Jewelry Show is eagerly anticipated by thousands of local area bead enthusiasts as a…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) 1 day left Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…
  • Quilting Bee (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 10:00am Guest speakers and volunteers from local extension groups will work with participants on various quilting projects. Sewing machines will be available. You may also bring your own machine. This is a 3-part program series. Registration is for all three. Bring own material and thread. Material lists will be given out before class dates. In the…
  • The Sailor Jerry Rampage At Remington Presented By Tecate Light (Remington Park) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • Saturday Story Time! (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 11:00am Good morning, good morning, it's story time! Join us in the Story Time Room for books, music, rhymes and fun. This story time is best for children ages 2-5 If you have questions, please contact the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • Star Wars Day at Devon Ice Rink (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 11:00am
  • Storytime (District House) Start Time: 10:00am
  • Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Denver Nuggets (Chesapeake Energy Arena) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Oklahoma City Thunder vs Utah Jazz (Chesapeake Energy Arena) Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder take on the Denver Nuggets. Wear your…
  • Travis Ledoyt (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Witness an action-packed performance by the "World's Best Tribute to Young Elvis," as Elvis impersonator…
  • 🎨 Unframed with Jason Wilson Artist Reception (Studio112 and a Half - Shawnee) Start Time: 6:30pm Escape The Realities of life for a while… Enjoy Jason Wilson’s Energetic and Visually Stimulating art at Studio112-and-a-half in Shawnee this month
    Perceptual Artist, Jason Wilson will be showing his art at Studio112 and a half in Shawnee, Oklahoma during the month of January as part of their ‘Unframed’ Show. “I am excited to be…
  • Viva GLARt! Grow a Learner through Art (Moore Public Library - Moore) Start Time: 11:00am This bilingual program puts early literacy skills into practice through art play! This program is for babies and children (ages 0-5) and their caregivers. All materials provided. For more information contact the children's department 405-793-4347

Sunday, Jan 8th

  • Caitlin Canty (The Depot - Norman)
  • Central 4D Barrel Racers (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 2 of 2 Make your way to the Grady County Fairgrounds in Chickasha to see riders compete in the Central 4D Barrel Racers event.…
  • $ Oklahoma Winter Bead & Jewelry Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Last Day The Oklahoma Winter Bead & Jewelry Show is eagerly anticipated by thousands of local area bead enthusiasts as a…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Last Day Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft.…

Monday, Jan 9th

I was unable to find any published events for Jan 9th.

Tuesday, Jan 10th

I was unable to find any published events for Jan 10th.
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